Harvest For The World by The Isley BrothersHeres the chords and lyrics to a golden oldie.Try it out there are a lot of extended chords to try you are probably not familiar with.Have fun ! Harvest For The World 3Harvest For The World 2Harvest For The World #st6 #touchstrings #cheapguitar #russlovatt #adultguitarlessons #acoustic #learnguitar #stokeontrent #rockschool #acousticguitar #advice #kidsguitarlessons #guitarlessons #beginnerlessons #harvestfortheworld #Isleybrothers #soul #Motown #berryGordy
Heres the chords and lyrics to a golden oldie.Try it out there are a lot of extended chords to try you are probably not familiar with.Have fun ! Harvest For The World 3Harvest For The World 2Harvest For The World #st6 #touchstrings #cheapguitar #russlovatt #adultguitarlessons #acoustic #learnguitar #stokeontrent #rockschool #acousticguitar #advice #kidsguitarlessons #guitarlessons #beginnerlessons #harvestfortheworld #Isleybrothers #soul #Motown #berryGordy